Infinity Store Review With Custom Bonuses
Make Sure To Click on the Link Above:Do you want to know how you can have your very own Amazon affiliate Super Store up running and fully stocked in just 3 easy clicks of your mouse
Stay Tuned Guys, you are still in time for Xmas, if you move fast. Hi Guys, it’s Mark Gossage here of Infinity stores is a super simple newbie friendly way of launching a fully fledged Amazon superstore easily and fast.
There is even an easy tutorial showing you exactly how to set your store up for maximum profits.Up until now one of the major drawbacks of affiliate wp stores was their inability to stock millions of products!
A real profit killer if you don’t stock the right products.Sure you can search for the hottest products, the movers and up and coming products that might sell or you can simply stock as many as you want.
What 400 million amazon products?
Yes you can stock them all if you want to. So there is no problem with losing customers because you don’t stock that product.Your customers will be able to search for all of the products thatAmazon has through your very own store.Infinity store has been programmed to update itself automatically, auto synching with Amazon. No longer does it take an eternity to keep your store updated.
In fact Infinity Store keeps right up to date with Amazon it even knows which products are out of stock, expired deals, discounted prices etc.Simply set your store up then leave it in charge of updating itself with Amazon on a continual basis, so that you won’t have to deal with all of the dramas.
Another weakness with promoting Amazons products previously was that the Amazon cookie only worked for 24 hours. This meant that if a visitor did not make a purchase within 24 hours of visiting your store you didn’t earn a commission. You got nothing. But, not with Infinity Stores. Your customer can leave the items in their cart on your store and they will get a full 90 days to make the purchase and you will still earn your commissions.
Your commission earning potential grows dramatically.Your customers can also choose to get notified if the price of a product drops in real time, via email. Great for the bargain hunters that are looking for real bargains.
This benefits you in two ways1 you will be getting loyal returning customers and2 You can now do follow ups as you now have their email address.
The only way that you can fail with this product once you have set it up is if you can’t get shoppers to your store.
So Infinity Stores has a social viral traffic module that will get you aflow of super targeted traffic to your store.You will be able to promote your products using customised posts on Social media right from your dashboard in your infinity store.
Your infinity store is fully mobile responsive, retaining the same features, finesse and ease of access. So you won’t be losing your mobile audience. Another feature that will put you at ease is that your Infinity store is fully GDPR compliant allowing you to trade all around Europe.And you can rest assured that your infinity store is 100% Amazon compliant as well.
Your infinity store is so easy to customise. Colour schemes, uploading a logo etc is so easy and can easily be done using the control options panel. It really is very easy to fully customise your store with a few clicks.
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