If you want high quality photographs that you can use in your marketing, without the worry of breaching copyrights and being sued for damages Photographer Pic is for you.
Photographer Pic is for people that want those high quality one of a kind photo. All of the images are only available through Photographer Pic and the photographs have all been registered with the copyright office.
Toni Nelson is an award winning photographer, Videographer and online marketer and she is opening up her private photography vault for you.
You can choose either the personal licence version or the Developers licence that will allow you to use them on your clients sites.
You will not be allowed to sell, give away, package the photos or place them in a membership site.
These photos really will make sure that you sand out from the rest of the crowd.
High quality Photo’s combined with quotes are a powerful advertising medium that work really well on all of the social media sites.
So if you want to be able to, not only get known but, also able to drive a ton of free highly targeted traffic to your website, your opt ins, and anywhere else These quotes and high quality photographs are a must.
How many times have you seen the same, overused free images being used with the same old boring quotes. These aren’t traffic magnets, they are traffic turn offs.
If you want high quality fresh content that people are going to want to look at and read this is it.
These photographs and quotes are attention getting.
My advice is to place your logo or website URL on all of your photographs, that way everybody will now how to find you and will further drive traffic to your sites.
The front end is at a really low introductory price of $9.95 during the 6 day launch period and will then rise to $27.
You will get.
300 one of a kind photo’s.
A PDF File of 900 Quotes.
20 Done For You Quote Images
You will also be getting vendor bonuses
Vendor Bonus 1
A 17 page Step by Step Planner
Vendor Bonus 2
40 Additional Done For You Quotes.
Vendor Bonus 3
PhotoShop Secrets
It’s a beginners guide
If you purchase the Developers rights you will also get another vendor bonus.
100 extra photographs with video quotes set to music
One time Offer 1 is priced at $37
Gives you 500 additional photo’s
100 Video Quotes
and Developers Rights will be included throughout the 6 day launch period, so that you can use them on your clients sites.
One time Offer 2 is priced at $27
Gives you another 500 additional photo’s and a massive PDF file of Quotes with personal use rights
One time Offer 3
Is the Photographers Pic Photo Hub Club.
You will be getting 100 images plus a PDF file of quotes every month and all for $10 per month
It’s a fantastic offer that you need to check out. I have also added a load of my bonuses that will be helping you to succeed with your online marketing campaigns. Make sure to check everything out by clicking on the link right below this video and visiting my bonus page.
Click On The Link Above + Check Photographers Pic Out Now & secure Your Bonuses
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PhotographersPic does not own or operate this website and is not responsible for its contents. It is owned by Mark Gossage, an independent marketing affiliate
Get Photographerspic + Bonuses here
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