Affiliate Marketing is big big business. It’s one of the easiest ways of making money online and now it just got easier with LeadX.
I am also including my massive affiliate bonus pack that you can check out by clicking on the link below this video. I have put all of my affiliate bonuses together to help you succeed even faster.
LeadX is a cloud based software that can be accessed using any Windows or Mac Device. All you need is an internet connection and you are ready to start making money.
Simply place your affiliate link, offer or product on top of other peoples websites and show any visitor your Ads.
It hijacks sites including CNN, BBC, even Wikipedia and shows visitors your ad.
It’s easy for you to customise what your visitors see.
It’s ideal for affiliate offers, your own products, opt-in-forms, even videos.
You can now easily have your links instantly inserted inside the most popular websites.
It works in 3 very simple steps.
Step 1. Log into the cloud based app and choose your element. It can be a button, text, image, a video or your opt-in form. Then add your affiliate link and message.
Create your seed. This is your finished ad.
Step 2. Enter your target URL where you are going to legally hijack your traffic from.
Step 3. That is it your finished.
It really is that easy and you won’t be paying a dime for your advertisement either. This cloud based software is all you need.
All of the techie stuff has been done to make this so simple to use. Click, Click, fill in a few details and you are done. That is it.
You don’t even need your own website to use this.
Simply find a trusted article from a reputable source like, BBC, CNN Wikipedia. Add your affiliate link to a relevant offer and LeadX will go straight to work and display it on top of that page.
A breaking news article or a shocking fact or how to with a twist from Wikipedia works best.
Then all you need to do is share your link on FaceBook, in forums, with your friends etc.
Everybody will want to read groundbreaking news articles and similar. Then just before they leave BOOM they are presented with your offer.
Get this right and you will find that your offers are converting like crazy.
Now before I explain all of the low introductory prices and the One Time Offers I just want to mention that you will be getting my massive bundle of high quality Affiliate Marketing Bonuses which you can check out by clicking on the link right below this video when you pick up your copy of LeadX today.
I have also added a full demo walkthrough of LeadX that will explain everything, so make sure to stay tuned and watch the demo video.
The front end of LeadX is priced at a low introductory price of $16.93
One Time Offer 1 is LeadX PRO Priced at $37
One Time Offer 2 is LeadX Enterprise priced at $57
One Time Offer 3 is LeadX Agency priced at $67
So make sure to check this one out today by clicking on the link below and check out all of my new high quality Affiliate Marketing Bonuses that will be waiting for you in the download area when you purchase LeadX today at it’s lowest introductory price.
Get Leadx And Bonuses With Demo Video Here:
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Get Leadx And Bonuses With Demo Video Here:
Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.
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